Medical Education in the Bay

ME in the Bay aims to bring you quality Emergency Medicine Education, tailored specifically to our team in the Bay of Plenty.

We aim to provide high-quality, small group courses and workshops for a range of medical and nursing professionals. We are a non-profit group, with funds from courses being returned to the Tauranga Emergency Department for training, equipment, and team development.

All of our courses and workshops involve a faculty of Emergency Physicians based in Tauranga with an interest and/or postgraduate qualifications in medical education, echo and ultrasound.

We are pleased to be able to keep our courses as small group, informal, and very practical.

Because ME in the Bay is not-for-profit, we are able to offer these small group courses far more cheaply than other providers, but maintain great quality of education.

ME in the Bay is inspired and supported by EDME from Christchurch Hospital


Courses currently include Introduction to Ultrasound; Advanced Ultrasound; Echo for Emergency Medicine; and Procedural Skills. Contact us to book and find out more.


Our courses are tailored to the needs of our team in the Bay of Plenty. We aim to provide high-quality education structured for our environment, from the Emergency Department team to the wider hospital staff involved in Acute and Emergency Medicine.